2011年9月17日 星期六

33 Weeks 三十三周Baby狀況

Have you toured the birthing rooms at your hospital yet? If not, 33 weeks is a good time to go. While you're there, preregister at the birthing center. Paperwork will be the last thing on your mind during labor! Take notes on where to park and check in. Your partner will appreciate the heads-up.

Your Baby's Development This Week
This week and the four weeks that follow mark a time of astounding growth as your baby reaches her ultimate birth weight.
She weighs about 4-1/2 pounds and might grow a full inch in length this week alone! She's grown to about 12-1/2 inches, or about the length of an average pumpkin.
Your baby continues to gain weight rapidly — about a half pound a week.
The pupils of her eyes now can adjust to bright or dim light, just like yours.

Learn more about week 33 of your pregnancy.

Your Wellness and Nutrition This Week
You're about to become a regular at your OB/GYN's office as prenatal checkups become more frequent. And if heartburn or bloating rear their ugly heads, you might want to cut back on spicy or greasy foods. Find out more.

Week 33: The Checklist
Trouble sleeping? Limit late-evening beverages to avoid 2 AM trips to the bathroom. And if you can't get comfortable, throw a few extra pillows on your bed to help c

