2011年7月18日 星期一

25 W 二十五週媽咪的大肚照

So Jolene Sasaki and I was talknig about what kind of maternity pictures should I be taking. And I told her I was talking about it with my brother Chan-Ting Kaoonce, and Rock Band should be a cool idea for maternity picture now (I will take more when the time is near).
I wanted to do Rock Band because it's my favorite game right now and the baby is now able to hear sounds. So I think it would be interested to put these two ideas together. But I never play rock music to the baby directly form the headset.
當寶寶6個月大時,我和Jolene阿姨討論9個月時該拍甚麼大肚照,然後我們突發奇想現在就可乙先拍一些。因為媽媽喜歡玩Rock Band, 所以就決定拍這樣的主題。妝和照片都是媽咪自己一人搞定的唷!媽咪很利害吧!以後媽咪都會教你的!

