2011年7月24日 星期日

27W 二十七週更多Baby動態

Since 24W Zihuan's movement can be seen from outside.

7/16 We went see Transformers 3, but the sound effect was too loud and caused baby kept kicking. So I might have to stop going to theater for nor on. I don't think he likes the noise.

7/17 The baby starts moving a lot in the afternoon. (Go to his blog to check out his pervious movement record).

7/24 I put a little book against my belly and was saw the book moved because of Zihuna's kicking.

After I ate the chili I made the baby kicked a lot, not sure he likes it or not.

Usually when I lay down the baby moves more, sometime when I flip over to change sleeping position, he changes, too. Maybe I didn't give him enough space.

When I get up late, Zihuan would kick me and let me know he wants to eat. I think breakfast.


2011年7月18日 星期一

25 W 二十五週媽咪的大肚照

So Jolene Sasaki and I was talknig about what kind of maternity pictures should I be taking. And I told her I was talking about it with my brother Chan-Ting Kaoonce, and Rock Band should be a cool idea for maternity picture now (I will take more when the time is near).
I wanted to do Rock Band because it's my favorite game right now and the baby is now able to hear sounds. So I think it would be interested to put these two ideas together. But I never play rock music to the baby directly form the headset.
當寶寶6個月大時,我和Jolene阿姨討論9個月時該拍甚麼大肚照,然後我們突發奇想現在就可乙先拍一些。因為媽媽喜歡玩Rock Band, 所以就決定拍這樣的主題。妝和照片都是媽咪自己一人搞定的唷!媽咪很利害吧!以後媽咪都會教你的!

24W 二十四週的大肚照

Week: 12
Hight: 5''7'
Weight: 162
Weight gained: 20 pounds

每日:子桓通常在早上八點開始動, 下午好像在睡覺,到了晚上十點左右又 開始一直動

Baby's movement record:
Daily: Zihuan usually start his daily movement about 8am, then he seems like taking nap in the afternoon. He starts moving a lot about 10am.
Usual movement: After mommy drinks or eats.
Unusual movement: When mommy eat spicy or cold food, he moves a lot. Spice also includes Japanese curry. If I have something spicy, he moves crazy, mommy might make him angry, lol. But I normally don't eat spicy food now.

子桓好像喜歡吃: 炸雞, Root Beer 沙士, 水果, 蔬菜, 米飯
Zihuan seems like to eat: Fried chicken, Root Beer, fruits, vegetable, and rice.

2011年7月17日 星期日

Baby Gifts

Our baby is such as blessed baby!!! He has grandma and grandpa who love him very much, and mommy and daddy's friends looking forward to welcome him! They gave us so many wonderful gifts to prepare our new born one!

From auntie Emma and uncle Tim.

From gramdmom

From auntie Sam and uncle Toney.

From auntie Jennifer and uncle James

21W 二十一週帶著baby出遊

以後子桓吵著去迪士尼,媽咪就會給你看照片,證明你去過囉! ^__^

17 W 十七週超音波照

Week: 17
Hight: 5''7'
Weight: 154
Weight gained: 12 pounds

12W 十二週的招音波照

Week: 12
Hight: 5''7'
Weight: 148
Weight gained: 6 pounds

Daddy says this picture look like Ichigo from Bleach
爸爸說這張baby的照片好像死神的主角變身後, 哈哈!

其實我在這次照超音波最感到奇怪的,是醫生說我12週的事。因為我最後一次的月經是在1/27/2011, 照理說是2月中旬懷孕才對,那麼醫生算快了幾個禮拜耶!但是他們是靠超音波寶寶的大小決定我的週期,會不會是因為baby比較大?我也不清楚。

4W I am pregnant! 媽咪懷孕了!

I didn't know I was pregnant at the first time because Chris and I have been trying about a year to get pregnant. My physical situation is pretty normal, which means my cycle always comes on time. About the end of February, I noticed my period was late for 3 days, which never happened. I also talked to my photographer friend about it because we where doing a shoot. I was afraid it came during the shoot. He asked me what if I am pregnant, I was like, well that would be great but I almost lost faith I would be pregnant.
I also talked to Chris, he was pretty sure I got pregnant. A few days later I was assisting the same photographer, I talked to the girl we were shooting. I was nervous, what I didn't want to happen was the delay of my period was because of my nervous.
After nearly a week, Chris bought some pregnancy test and had me to try. It came out positive. I was so nervous when I was waiting for the result. I was afraid I couldn't handle it if it came out negative. The test says it should take 10 minutes for the result, but it only took a few seconds. I was so surprised, I never use the test before so I wasn't sure if it was showing right. So I wait until next morning and did the test again. It showed the same. So I was confirmed that I got pregnant. Chris was very happy, too.
We actually were seeing a doctor about how to get pregnant, but the second time we visited him we told him we got pregnant. He was happy for us, too. He said that save us so much time for the test in the future. And he sent me to do more additional blood test.
The doctor advices me to sleep on the left side, I was afraid I will press on my belly because I normally sleep with belly faces down. So I had to place my hand against the belly when I sleep. Sleeping during my pregnancy is a challenge. I never actually slept well.
The morning sickness was actually "evening sickness", it's right after I eat dinner. It was killing me. And during that time my dad and my uncle came visit and I had to cook for them. Well..my dad cooks, too, but my uncle doesn't at all. It was hard because I had to stand the smell of the food and eat something I didn't want to eat. Yeah my uncle was more picky about food.
Thank god the sickness was gone after 3 months, which is normal. So I can start to cook health delicious food for me and my baby!


I had been trying different ways to get pregnant. I also went back to Taiwan to visit a Chinese medicine doctor and had taken the pills for 6 months. The my mom gave me the dōTERRA pills and oil to use. After using it's products for about 1 month, I got pregnant. This company is from Utah, that has many different kinds of essential oil for different body/ mental problems, and they work great! My family has testimonies about how they cure their personal physical problems. So I would like to shear this website to you all, hopefully you get interested and try them out!


Also, for couples who want to get pregnant, try using this website and practice sex based on the calendar. This site will sent you reminder to your e-mail or cellphone, so you can practice sex with your partner and get better chance to have babies!